The forms are installed and ready for the pouring of cement to create the walls for this subterranean garage. This process took over 8 hours to complete, from pouring in the cement, and using vibration to make sure there are no air bubbles trapped in the wall forms. The cement takes 7 days to fully dry and the forms can be taken off. Did you know that rain does not affect the drying process? We had a day of rain after the cement was poured.
The Santa Monica Mountains peaks you see behind each fairway are the same peaks that you see from the opening helicopter scene of M*A*S*H, as well as the backdrop used in the Dukes of Hazard.
The Nicki & Karen Team will be keeping you up to date with regular posts highlighting this project through completion. Stay tuned! www.nickiandkaren.com
For progress pics & updates on 393 Stafford construction, follow us on Instagram! @villa_di_napoli