When you decide to sell your home, there are several methods you can use to complete this transaction. Although sellers typically use the more traditional method of listing their home on the market at its fair market value, you could choose to sell your home in as-is condition, which means that you would sell the property without completing repairs.
Since you won’t need to spend time and money on making repairs, you’ll also be able to avoid getting into lengthy negotiations with buyers about the types of improvements you’ll make. The main downside of selling a home in as-is condition is that it’s unlikely that the home will sell for as much as it would if you had otherwise performed renovations.
Even if your home includes paint scuffs, malfunctioning appliances, and broken deck railings, it can be sold when listed in as-is condition. Keep in mind, however, that you can’t hide any of these issues. The buyer must be made aware of them immediately.
It’s likely that the buyer will request their own inspection, which is why it’s recommended that you disclose the defects in your home right away. In the event that the buyer finds problems that you haven’t mentioned, they could renegotiate the buying terms. The following guide tells you everything you need to know about selling your home as-is.

How Much Money Can You Lose Selling a House As-is?
Calculating how much money you’ll lose out on when selling a home in as-is condition can be challenging. The “as-is” term can describe many different conditions. While this label usually refers to homes that are in need of numerous repairs, it can also be used by homeowners who want to sell their property as quickly as possible and don’t want to negotiate about repairs. Regardless of the situation, you won’t get as much money when listing your home in this condition.
The feasibility of selling your home in its current condition depends on the types of repairs and renovations that a buyer would typically ask for. If a bathroom needs ample repairs that would cost you around $15,000, you won’t necessarily receive $15,000 in value once the repairs have been completed, which means that making these renovations may not be worth the high cost.
If you want to make repairs and renovations before selling your home, focus on strategic ones that will help you increase the value by a considerable amount. Your main goal should be to sell your home at a quicker rate or obtain more money from the sale. Smaller fixes that can get your home in a workable condition are highly valuable and might be worth more than you pay to perform these fixes.
Pros and Cons of Listing As-is Compared to Traditional Home Sales
There are numerous pros and cons associated with selling a home in as-is condition, all of which you should be aware of before you begin the home-selling process. If you want your home to be sold quickly but don’t have enough money to provide the necessary fixes, selling it in as-is condition may be the preferred option.
The market is still highly competitive, which means that you’re more likely to obtain a good offer even when selling a home in this condition. Many buyers are more than willing to take a slightly higher risk when purchasing a home if they’re able to get it at a lower price.
Investors are also interested in buying fixer-uppers that they can fix and flip for a profit. When you list a home in this condition, you won’t be tasked with paying for repairs, which means that repair costs won’t reduce the profit you obtain from the sale.
While there are a few benefits of selling your home as-is, there are also several drawbacks to consider. For one, you’ll be limiting the pool of potential buyers. A sizable percentage of buyers who are currently on the market won’t even consider a home that’s in this condition. Even if the home is priced fairly, some buyers don’t want to take time to make repairs after they purchase the property.
It’s also likely that your home will sell for a lower amount than it would if you decided to make the required repairs. The amount of money you lose out on depends on the exact state of your property. Keep in mind that many buyers are unable to wait for weeks or months to complete the move-in process, which means that they’ll search for a home that’s ready immediately.
Many traditional lenders won’t approve a mortgage loan in the event that the home is deemed uninhabitable. There’s also a chance that the home-selling process will take longer than you anticipate because of the need for buyers to obtain quotes from contractors that tell them if the selling price is fair.
Homes that were sold in February had been on the market for an average of 67 days before the closing process began. While the average number of days on the market can differ based on location, there’s a good chance that your home will be on the market for longer than the average when you sell it in as-is condition.

Alternatives to Selling As-is
If you want to sell your home as quickly as possible, selling it in as-is condition may not be the ideal solution. In fact, your home could remain on the market for several weeks before someone makes an offer. If enough time passes, you may even need to further reduce your listing price.
There are numerous companies that offer to buy as-is homes immediately. Once the company obtains the home, it will fix it up and sell it for a profit. However, you won’t receive market value for your home in this scenario. The main benefit of choosing this option is that these companies usually pay in cash.
Another option at your disposal is to apply for an FHA 203(k) loan to make some repairs on your home. While this route will take some time, it allows you to increase your home’s value and avoid selling it in as-is condition. These government-backed loans can be beneficial to sellers who want to make repairs but don’t have the cash to do so.
You might also want to consider obtaining funds to fix your home from a private lender. In this situation, you likely won’t need to repay the loan until your home sells, which allows you to complete the repairs without worrying about making payments.
You could choose to refinance your home, which allows you to gain access to some of the equity you’ve built up over the years. This equity can be used to make improvements and repairs to your home. However, refinancing usually costs around 2%-5% of the loan’s principal amount.
Factors That Affect the Value of Your As-is Home
There are numerous factors that can directly impact the value of your as-is property, which include market trends, location, and condition. If your home is in a more desirable location, it’s more likely that you’ll receive a higher offer. The primary factors that make locations more desirable include:
- Ocean views
- Reputable school district
- Nearby popular amenities and destinations
- Quiet cul-de-sac that’s far away from busy streets
When your as-is home is located in an appealing destination, buyers will be more confident that they can eventually sell the home for a profit.
As for the home’s condition, a better condition means that you’ll receive a better price. Homes that require significant renovations receive lower offers because of the time needed to fix them, the effort required to perform repairs, and the amount of money necessary to have the repairs completed. In most cases, the goal when performing renovations and repairs is to get the property up to neighborhood standards.
When the market is performing strongly, the gap between as-is offers and conventional offers narrows. It’s possible for the gap to close entirely when there are much more buyers than there are homes on the market. In this scenario, buyers will make an offer on practically any home without considering condition.
There isn’t just one formula that can be used to determine your home’s market value. Since the property will be in as-is condition, a comparative market analysis will only provide you with a piece of the puzzle. If a home that’s similar to yours has recently been sold in as-is condition, you could use it as a guide when determining your home’s sale price.

Tips for Maximizing Your Sale Price When Selling As-is
If you’ve made the decision to improve the value of your as-is property before placing it on the market for sale, the first thing you should do is get in touch with a real estate agent. The agent you hire will help you identify the most valuable fixes while also providing you with recommendations of contractors you can hire.
You should also avoid performing these fixes yourself. If you end up doing a mediocre job, you could hurt your home’s value. Let’s say that you repaint the interiors of your home. If the new coat of paint doesn’t meet the buyer’s standards, they might feel like they need to redo the project after they move in.
Selling your home in as-is condition is a great way to sell it quickly and avoid a lengthy negotiating process. Before you choose to sell your home in this condition, make sure that you weigh the pros and cons. While you’ll be able to complete this transaction without performing repairs, you’ll invariably lose money by receiving an offer that’s lower than market value.